We are the World Jazz Network, an international organization focused on increasing international mobility for world/jazz artists and organizations. While that may sound complex, we’ve been described in many different ways in the past; our International Laureate Festival is essentially an elaborate exchange program for international talent, curated by some of the most renowned festivals, venues and institutions around the world. 

Our World Jazz Conference brings the professionals behind these events and organizations together to exchange ideas, experiences and, of course, music. The Network’s annual assembly at Amersfoort World Jazz Festival in The Netherlands is a time-honored tradition, but partners have been known to cross paths elsewhere – often, of course, while representing their Laureates abroad. 

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Education and Knowledge Sharing

Education and Knowledge Sharing:    – Organizing educational programs, workshops, and conferences to promote knowledge sharing and contribute to the professional development of jazz musicians and professionals. Would you like to know more? Or join the World Jazz Network? Sign up on our website worldjazznetwork.com...