We are the World Jazz Network, an international organization focused on increasing global mobility for World Jazz artists and organizations. Although it may seem complex, we have implemented several successful initiatives to achieve our mission. One of such initiative is our International Laureate Festival, which is essentially an elaborate exchange program for international talent, curated by some of the most renowned festivals, venues and institutions worldwide such as Sicilia Jazz Festival, Amersfoort World Jazz Festival, Szczecin Jazz Festival and many more.

Another successful initiative is the annual World Jazz Conference, which brings professionals from various festivals, venues and organizations together to exchange ideas, experiences and, of course, music. While this annual assembly has been a longstanding tradition as part of Amersfoort World Jazz Festival in The Netherlands, our partners frequently cross paths elsewhere in the world, often while representing their laureates abroad.

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La Gazzetta about World Jazz Network

Il World Jazz Network diventa sempre più internazionale. Si è realizzata con grande successo la giornata dedicata agli incontri sul “World Jazz Network” all’interno dell’Amersfoort Jazz Festival 24. Un Network nato quattro anni fa e che oggi si allarga facendo incontrare in Olanda musicisti, produttori, giornalisti, organizzatori di Festival provenienti da ben 23 Paesi come … La Gazzetta about World Jazz Network Read More »...