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Sylwester Ostrowski & Dorrey Lin Lyles

Saxophonist Sylwester Ostrowski from Szczecin (Poland) is no longer unknown within the international jazz scene. The many collaborations and albums that resulted from these collaborations are proof of his great artistic abilities and insights. We see one of those collaborations live on stage tonight. In this concert, Ostrowski will be on stage with the all-round talented American Gospel/soul singer Dorrey Lin Lyles and ‘Endorsed Exceptional Talents’ of Szczecin Jazz, singer Karolina Błachnia and singer Judyta Pisarczyk. This dynamic formation combines powerful jazz with romantic Polish music and blues to offer a unique new perspective. The powerful vocals of Dorrey Lin Lyles alternate with the warm sounds of Błachnia and Pisarczyk. Line-up: Dorrey Lin Lyles – vocals Judyta Pisarczyk – vocals Karolina Błachnia – vocals Sylwester Ostrowski – saxophone Jakub Mizeracki – guitar TBA This concert is part of the Sena Performers International Jazz Laureate Festival (SPIJLF). During this concert series, ten international festivals get the chance to put a promising jazz talent from their own country in the spotlight, and thus give a kick-start to their international career. This year, talents from the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Spain, Thailand, Italy, Australia and Bulgaria will present. This concert is endorsed by Szczecin Jazz All participating festivals are partners of the World Jazz Network, an international collaboration of jazz festivals and venues to promote the exchange of jazz talent beyond their own national borders.